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What to expect from a Pilates class...


If you're unsure about what to expect or bring to your first PIlates class I've put together a few tips that might help, and make your first class as stress free as possible.


What should I wear?

You should wear comfortable clothing, such as a t-shirt with yoga or tracksuit trousers, make sure whatever you wear will allow you to breathe and stretch fully. We practise PIlates without shoes, so either barefoot or in socks. 


What should I bring?

If you have your own mat, please bring it along, or let me know and I can supply mat. You can bring your phone into class, but please make sure it's turned off or on silent.


Should I learn anything before I come?

No, there is no need to learn or practise anything before your first class, everyone practices at their own pace. You're not expected to keep up with anyone and I make sure to pace each class depending on the level of the students in it. 


What type of PIlates do you teach?

There are a variety of different styles of PIlates, including using machines to help stretch, but unless otherwise specified I teach mainly classic PIlates, which primarily involves standing and floor based exercises done on a mat. 




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